Tyler Kiwala is an ET experiencer, independent researcher and passionate disclosure activist. Most popularly known in the awakening community for Journey To Truth Podcast, hosted by himself and fellow disclosure activist Aaron Kuhn. Together they have created a platform for discussing any and all "controversial" and eye opening topics without limitations in an effort to spread awareness to the masses.
Tyler's journey began with a levitation experience shortly after his mother's passing in 2010 that ended with intense paralysis and visitation from "shadow people". This would lead to experiences with Inner Earth beings, Sasquatch, Greys, Reptilians and recruitment attempts into covert military programs. Tyler is currently in the process of retrieving suppressed memories from what he believes are from his involvement with agencies within the shadow government.
Aaron Kuhn is a Podcaster, Researcher, Author, and Musician. Since early 2019 he’s been the co-host of Journey to Truth Podcast with Tyler Kiwala. He was a devout Christian until the age of 25 when he had his "awakening". He came across presentations, interviews, and books of people like David Icke, David Wilcock, Jordan Maxwell, Dolores Cannon, Project Camelot, Alex Collier, Gregg Braden, and others.
He started putting the pieces together about ETs, what's really happening on our planet, our true history, the true nature of reality, why we are here, etc. After five years of doing research in isolation, he attended his first conference in 2017 called Eclipse of Disclosure, in Mt. Shasta, CA. The following year at the Dimensions of Disclosure conference he met Tyler Kiwala. Shortly thereafter they started Journey to Truth Podcast and have been going strong ever since. They are now also putting on conferences, doing webinars, and creating documentaries.
While we consider every member of this community an integral part of our success, there are a few individuals that truly make this engine run.